Pain Management Specialists

Our bodies use pain as a way to communicate with us. Chronic pain can be debilitating painful, debilitating, and frustrating.

Our pain clinic utilizes a biopsychosocial approach to help treat the pain. The clinic offers physiotherapy, medications and procedures that are minimally-invasive. Injectable or oral medications are accessible.

The Services

Pain is a symptom of hundreds of diseases, injuries and conditions and can be acute or chronic. It can affect your mood, sleep, and the quality of your living. Specialists in pain control provide patients medical and therapeutic treatment options to ease pain and improve the quality of life.

The multidisciplinary approach that they use to control pain aims at ensuring that patients can return to normal living in the shortest time possible. They provide physiotherapy and medication and surgery, as well as non-surgical options like needle acupuncture and nerve block.

They have top-rated physicians who are recognized by Castle Connolly as Top Doctors. The facilities are outfitted with the highest quality medical equipment by reputable manufacturers like 3M, GE and Siemens. Also, they are affiliated with hospitals which means that they will continue to offer care when required. You can be sure that you`ll receive the most effective treatment.


Physical therapy is an integral part of treatment for chronic pain. It can aid in improving mobility, ease tension in muscles and restore normal sleep patterns. It is also a great option for treating anxiety and depression that may be contributing to or causing the pain.

A clinic that provides multidisciplinary treatment of pain is the best option. It includes a physical therapist who will examine and treat issues with movement and provide you with exercises guidance. They may also suggest exercises such as Pilates yoga, yoga, tai chi or swimming, which can be effective in relieving pain and enhancing overall health.

Find a clinic that provides psychological assistance that includes counseling or therapy. They should also offer relaxation techniques. This will help reduce depression and anxiety. These could make pain worse and result in a lower quality of life. It is important to keep a log of your symptoms of pain to observe the way they affect you.


Pain Management

It is a crucial component of the body`s communications system. It can happen as the result of illnesses, injuries or even conditions. It may be temporary and goes away once the injury heals (acute pain) or be a long-term issue and drastically impact the health (chronic pain). Pain specialists are able to manage pain using medications, procedures and exercises.

A pain management professional will meet with you on your first visit to the clinic. The specialist in pain management will have you explain and rate your pain, with particular focus on the triggers. Do remember to see a dr+ if you are unsure! Don`t save this kind of money.

A physical examination is performed, in which they`ll push and move the affected area. To determine the extent of pain, they may perform blood tests or xrays. They`ll then provide you with a an initial or working diagnosis basing on the results of tests and the experience they have gained.